Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Guest Blogger #2 Jeffery Taylor - Nintendo Time

Jeffery Taylor is first and foremost a human being. Secondly, he's the greatest author-artist-musician-baker-paleontologist-customer service representative-quality assurance specialist-freight crew worker-carnie-lover hybrid the world has ever sseen. He lives with his cat Grumpy (9) and his fiancee, Randi, in their exquisite apartment situated amidst the hustle and bustle of downtown Logan, Utah, where Jeffery studies English at Utah State University.
...and he can't stand the sound of a child's laughter.

His rant will come in 3 parts about the E3 conference, first up: Nintendo

"This week marked the 16th annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) video game conference in Los Angeles, California. This trade show is considered the premiere video game convention within the industry, and as such, often features reveals of the newest software titles and hardware in development. 

This week was no exception.

Nintendo – Nintendo started their conference on Tuesday with an orchestra playing music from The Legend of Zelda to commemorate the series' 25th anniversary. Franchise creator Shigeru Miyamoto took the stage alongside his translator to let us know that a Zelda game was coming out for all of their current hardware. First, on the 3DS, Nintendo launched a digital shop similar to the Virtual Console on their Wii system where users could download retro games like original Gameboy and Gameboy Color games, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening being the first game available for download. I played this game when it was originally released in 1993 and loved every minute of it. If I h ad a 3DS, I would have a definite interest in this. Coming out next week on the 3DS is the 3D remake of 1998's Ocarina of Time, one of the highest-rated games of all time. Again, I would love to play this, but $300 to play a Nintendo 64 game at this point seems a bit frivolous to me.

Coming to Dsi in the fall is the Legend of Zelda Four Swords, available as a free title downloaded through Dsi ware. I thought that was interesting. A new Four Swords was one of the first titles announced back when the original DS was first announced. Years later, it's finally finished, and it's free? Sounds like a tech demo that never went anywhere to me, but hopefully it's as fun as the original and manages to improve upon its predecessor. Finally, Miyamoto announced that the next Wii Zelda, Skward Sword, would be out by the holidays. I wasn't originally impressed with what I saw of SS (more waggle, ugh), but after hearing that Miyamoto said if it wasn't the best Zelda yet, the franchise would be shelved, I find my interest piqued. Is the Nintendo shelf like the Disney vault?

Nintendo president Satoro Iwata next took the stage to show off some 3DS footage. Iwata invited Reggie Fils-Aime upon the stage to announce specific titles, all of which seemed to be coming by the end of the year. First up was Mario Kart 3DS, which featured new mechanics which saw the inclusion of air and sea travel. Next up was Mario proper, which looked to use the 3D for some interesting platforming mechanics. Also shown were Kid Icarus: Uprising and Lugi's Mansion 2 (there was no release date mentioned on this one.) Finally, Reggie announced some classic titles redone in 3D such as Excitebike, and a 3DS Pokedex.

On to what everyone was waiting for: the reveal of the Wii's successor, the Wii U (really?) This system brings Nintendo into the HD era, with a system that rivals (if not exceeds) the capabilities of their competitors. Nintendo focused mostly on the controller, which features a 6.2” touch screen, in addition to a number of face buttons, and two circle pads, Nintendo's take on analog sticks this go round. I find it funny and kind of sad that many people apparently thought the control was simply a peripheral for the current Wii. Nintendo didn't even show the image of the new console until after the conference. Weird. Besides the tech demo stuff using the new iPadesque control, Nintendo showed a reel of footage of upcoming games, which apparently was taken from footage of 360 and PS3 games. All in all, this presser was a sight better than 2008's infamous vitality sensor presentation. Nintendo is vowing hardcore 3rd party support, but we've heard those promises before for both the Wii and the GameCube, so we'll see. 

I'll wait and suspend my judgment until I get my own grubby hands on it."

Check out the link up above in the title to get the full recap of everything!

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